Sunday, 7 August 2011

Nicki Minaj 911 Call to Police Released, Yelling Heard

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Last month, The BoomBox reported the news that 'Pink Friday' creator Nicki Minaj was apparently the victim of an assault that occurred at posh Hotel Palomar in Dallas on July 12. While the Queens native vehemently shot down rumors that her hypeman Safaree had inflicted harm onto her, a 911 call has just been released from the incident, in which the rapper is heard screaming at a man.

Dallas police officials released the audio, obtained by TMZ, which seems to be the aftermath of the attack on Minaj. In the call, a man identified as Hotel Palomar's front office manager dials 911 dispatchers to ask for police assistance at the location due to a guest in Room 825 refusing to open the door. An obvious argument between Minaj and another individual occurs in the background of the call.


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